Are you ready to be inspired?

If you think back over the past 12 months it has been a real roller coaster.  The uncertainty of the pandemic, lockdown and toilet paper shortages have rocked our world.  For some industries things are going great and full speed ahead (electronics and bitcoin millionaires are smiling), whilst other industries are still struggling and in desperate need, including the charity sector.

Rather than asking for a handout, the charity Hands Across the Water does things a little differently.  Initially, founded by Peter Baines to assist a few Thai children, it has grown to supporting over 350 children and their communities in Thailand at 7 different homes on an annual basis.  The pandemic has hit the charity as it has not been able to run its fundraising events or Thailand bike rides.  The tourism industry has also had it very hard and in the Phuket region of Thailand (where the first home is located) they have experienced a 60% reduction in the economy due to the loss of tourism, with many people’s salaries down almost 90%.  

So what can we do?  Well, Hands do things a bit differently, to help cover the administration costs of the charity, a separate entity was set up a number of years ago to run events to add value and inspire others.  For the past 7 years (not including last year), Hands has run the Future of Leadership Conference Series across Australia and New Zealand.  This 1 day event allows you to attend and be inspired by some of the leading leadership experts on the planet and help generate funds to cover the staff that ensure the charity survives.

Even more inspirational, all the speakers donate their time to present at the event.  Yep, they do not charge their normal speaking rate of $10,000 per day.  In fact, they also cover their own travel expenses as they see how important the work is that Hands does.  Now that is inspirational!  The speakers include Matt Church, Erika Bradshaw, Justin Jones, Katrina Webb and many more.

So do yourself (and your people) a favour and commit to attending the Future of Leadership Conference in your location (Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, Newcastle, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Auckland & Wellington).

Better yet you can book now before the end of the financial year and also get a discount.  As a reader of my newsletter, you are able to receive a 15% discount when you book by using the code SCOTT15.  Just head to the Future of Leadership website to select your city, put in the promo code and you are in!

This is a chance to be inspired by some incredible speakers and make a difference to those in need at the same time!

Are you ready for the Future of Leadership?

Too many things to do and not enough time. This is a common theme that I am hearing from many leaders from all areas. With things moving faster we are looking for how to prepare for the future and what to do about it now. Now more than ever, it is important for a Leader to be aware of their focus, their activity and their impact on those around them. This is not the time to be the one on the treadmill spinning the wheel, and not going anywhere. I believe that there are 3 key roles that a Leader needs to embody:

Simplify: Leaders Must Simplify the Way Forward

Connect: Leaders Need to Truly Connect with Staff

Empower: Leaders Have to Empower People Towards Action

  1. Leaders Must Simplify the Way Forward. We now live in a world that is becoming overly complex with information and options attacking people from multiple directions. This is encouraging people to mix up their priorities and often not focus on the things that really matter. Leaders need to capture the essence of what everyone needs to focus towards and continually broadcast and amplify this throughout all areas of the business. When a Leader simplifies the way forward staff know what to focus on.  
  2. Leaders Need to Truly Connect with Staff. We need to go back to the way trust between people used to be done. Leaders need to take the time to connect with their people. They need to be visible and interact with their staff to let them know that they are not on their own. Too often when I ask staff, when was the last time their Senior Leaders took the time to have a conversation and truly connect, they respond with two words: not enough. When people connect they become committed, which creates a key foundation in any workforce. 
  3. Leaders Have to Empower People into Action. Without action nothing happens. Leaders need to mobilise their people toward results. They have to help identify the opportunities that are available and encourage staff to take action. This needs to involve the internal mentoring that used to occur in the past. Leaders need to take the time to work individually with people to guide, support and challenge their people. 

If you would like to be inspired by a range of incredible leaders, check out the Future of Leadership Conference which will be held in 9 different cities from July through to August. As someone subscribed to my newsletter, I can also provide you with a discounted rate if you use the code SCOTT15. To book a table at a further discounted rate, please contact me and I can help you leverage an incredible day of learning and inspiration.  

Don’t let the excuse of not having enough time get in the way of your learning opportunities. Take the time to develop your skills and your people’s skills to be prepared for the Future of Leadership.

What kind of person are you?

So what kind of person are you? As I look around I often see people fall into three distinct categories when it comes to making a difference to others or taking the time to give to others (not just family but the greater community as well).

The first group are the TAKERS. These are the people that are constantly taking from others. They often mention that work is so busy that they do not have time to help others (including their family!) They often forget about other people, the things that are important to them, as well as their community. They are happy to ‘take’, however when something doesn’t go their way they are often the first to complain.

The second group are the PRETENDERS. These are the people that often say the right things around what is important and how to look after others as well making the world and the communities that we live in a better place. They love to spend time on Facebook typing in their thoughts, however they rarely take action beyond the keystrokes on the screen. Unfortunately often these people may be extremely financially successful, but they do not give back in donations, their time or their expertise to build stronger communities. They pretend to care, however, they don’t take any action.

The final group are the GIVERS. These people are the ones who take the time to give to others. They volunteer at their children’s sporting clubs, they participate in the local schools and they provide their time and energy to help make things a bit better. Givers assist financially through donations or by organising events to raise awareness or gather funds for something that is bigger than themselves. Ask anyone if they know these people and they will tell you, and more importantly they will usually have a big smile on their face and their energy shifts to a more positive place. Some of the most admired people in the world come from this group and the world is a better place because of them.

So what group do you fall into? I admit if I look back through my life I have spent phases in each of these three groups. Usually, it was because I was so busy with something else that I may have mixed up my focus and my priorities. Are you seen as a giver or as someone who is too busy taking, or focused on other things rather than what really matters?

Sometimes we just need a little bit of inspiration from other leaders about some of the projects that they have undertaken to stretch themselves.  

If you would like to be inspired by a range of incredible leaders, check out the Future of Leadership Conference which will be held in 9 different cities from July to August.  As someone subscribed to my newsletter I can also provide you with a discounted rate if you use the code SCOTT15. To book a table at a further discounted rate, please contact me and I can help you leverage an incredible day of learning and inspiration.

Are You Focusing on the Activity or the Result?

In a meeting with a CEO last week, we were discussing some of the challenges he was noticing around his people achieving targets.  He was frustrated that the results were not where they should be given all the opportunity that they have had this year.  The question I asked him was “what activity targets do you have them focusing on?”    

If we want to get our people to achieve results we need to get them focused on the activity that they need to take.  When we don’t, many of them fail.  It;s similar to someone who has decided to lose weight.  They step on the scales and decide to lose 10 kilos.  Then they talk about all of the things that they are going to do (like exercise, eat healthier and reduce their alcohol consumption).  They may do a few of these activities and then ‘get busy’ at work.  After a couple weeks they step on the scale and they notice they are at the same weight.  The problem is that they are focusing on the result, not the activity.  

What they should be doing is identifying the specific activity that they are going to take and how often they will do it.  This could be something as simple as running for 30 minutes five times per week, reducing the amount of food that they eat by 25%, reducing evening snacking by nothing eaten after 7pm and limit alcohol to 2 drinks per week.  All of these are measurable and by focusing on this activity they would start noticing the goal of losing weight start happening.

The same is true with people at work.   Work with them to clarify what the expectations are around their activity.  It can be something as simple as that they will send 25 emails per week, make 15 phone calls per week, have 7 meetings per week with a goal of generating 2 projects or proposals per week.  

All of these KPI targets give them something to focus toward and are easily track-able.  You need to ensure that they also take the right approach with the right skills in the right way to ensure quality as well (make sure you train them!)  This is much more realistic than giving someone a target to achieve and then just waiting week by week for the results to come in.  

A few things to remember to focus on:

  1. Create Work Activity Targets.  This could be around specific activities that you need to take in your role around phone calls, meetings, projects or proposals.  For managers internally it could be a target around staff 1:1 sessions per week, team meetings, coaching staff or other activities that will benefit the business.
  2. Create Home Activity Targets.  You can also use this process at home to help you remember to do the small things that matter.  It could be a number of date nights for a couple that have a busy family or it could be about ensuring that you have some personal time on your own every month.  

Sometimes we just need a little bit of inspiration from other leaders about some of the projects that they have undertaken to stretch themselves.  If you would like to be inspired by a range of incredible leaders, check out the Future of Leadership Conference which will be held in 9 different cities from July to August.  As someone subscribed to my newsletter I can also provide you with a discounted rate if you use the code SCOTT15.  To book a table at a further discounted rate, please contact me and I can help you leverage an incredible day of learning and inspiration. 

Are you a leader others would follow?

I have a question for you, do your staff follow you because they want to or they have to?  It is a good question to ask when looking in the mirror and seeing what others see.  With the pressure to perform and make things happen with tighter and tighter deadlines (and with less staff), many managers have been buckling under the pressure.  Rather than connecting and engaging with their people, they are reacting and for some not being the leaders they want to be.

I often see this expressed in their attitude, their approach or their impact on others.  So I’ll ask again, if you did not have the title that you currently have, would your people still follow you?  Would they put in the additional hours and creativity because of their commitment to you?  What does it take to be a leader that others want to follow? 

How to be a Leader others will follow:

  • Inspire.  When a leader inspires others they create a connection that is deep and personal.  Staff admire the way that they think as well as the way that they treat others, regardless of position or title.  These leaders encourage others to be better people, not just better employees.  What are you doing to inspire your people?
  • Teach.  Leaders that take the time to teach and share their wisdom with staff are the ones that are remembered.  Taking the time to coach someone or provide them with additional support when they are doing something new (or when they make a mistake!) is key to being an effective leader.  When was the last time you taught your people?
  • Lead. Taking action as a leader is not always easy.  Sometimes there can be some difficult decisions that need to be made that some leaders shy away from.  A true leader leads by taking action and by walking the talk.  This also includes taking responsibility for mistakes and being accountable to their staff when things do not go as planned.  What can you do to show that you are leading?   

During this post COVID pandemic we need strong and engaging leaders that others will follow now more than ever before.  If you would like to learn some insights from the best leadership experts in the country, please sign up for the Future of Leadership Conference which will be held in 9 different cities from July to August.  

If you would like to organise a table at a special rate, please contact me and I can help you bring a number of your staff, your team, or your entire organisation for a day of learning and inspiration. 

The Leadership Race

As we head into May I have been hearing a common theme from most of my clients, the pace of business is frantic.  There are too many tasks to complete, too many emails to send and respond to and not enough staff to keep up!  This is creating what I call a leadership race.  

The leaders that have the ability to keep their team focused, keep them effective and keep them engaged will be the leaders that win the leadership race.  The challenge is that many leaders are currently so busy that they are being reactive and not taking the time to think or plan ahead.  This is resulting in them missing opportunities to increase their own effectiveness and that of their staff.

How Can You Win the Leadership Race:

  • Take Time to Think.  When we become reactive, we forget to think.  Leaders make short-sided decisions that can have negative consequences internally and outside the organisation.  Take the time to stop and think before just reacting, this also requires thinking at a different level to see what is beyond and what is immediately in front of you.
  • Focus & Engage Staff.  For most businesses, their success is dependent on their people’s ability to focus on completing tasks and be committed to an outcome.  Leaders need to take the time to ensure their people are focused on the vision and find ways to engage them into discussions, ideas, decisions, planning and activity.
  • Grow Your Mind. Leaders know that they need to keep growing and expanding their knowledge and their mind.  When we are really busy, it is easy to push this into the unknown future.  Resist this temptation and ensure that you are learning at least 2-3 new things every day through blogs, reading, white papers, discussions or any other learning source.  

Remember that now, as we come out of the COVID pandemic there are massive opportunities for leaders to help move their organisation forward.  If you would like to learn some insights from the best leadership experts in the country, you should sign up for the Future of Leadership Conference which will be held in 9 different cities from July to August.  

If you would like to organise a table at a special rate, please contact me and I can help you bring a number of your staff, your team, or your entire organisation for a day of learning and inspiration.  

Are you a champion?

My son Luca is heading to the Sunshine Coast, to compete in the Australian National Surf Lifesaving Championships.  He was fortunate to win the State Championships and will now compete at the next level.  It has been great to watch the hard work that he’s put in and to see him achieve some pretty incredible results so far. 

​​The extreme hours spent in the surf, swimming, paddling, beach sprinting as well as doing CPR, first aid assessment and  studying for the written test has been to say the least, a lot of work, but it is paying off.
The other thing that I realised is that many champions are surrounded by teams of people that help them compete and support them.  Luca is fortunate to have 2 great coaches. He also has one of his mates from the surf club who  achieved second place at the State, so they both are travelling to compete together (and also a chance for a couple of dads to travel up as well!)

So what does it take to be a champion in sport or in business?  The characteristics are similar,  it takes commitment, skills development, execution, belief as well as a good team. 

How Can You Be Champion:

  • Commit.  The commitment that is required to be a champion is massive.  Having the belief and unwavering commitment to dedicate your focus toward a specific goal is critical.  Too often I talk with leaders who are not clear on what their goal is or what they want their people to commit to.  
  • Develop Skills.  Practice, practice, practice is what a champion does in preparing for the competition.  Often in business, leaders do not take the time out of the day to day business to develop their skills.  When was the last time you reflected and improved your skills in the way you think, communicate, interact or lead?
  • Build a Team. Champions know the importance of a team, and leaders need to as well.  Having clearly identified roles and the leader listening and asking for advice from their team of ‘experts’ is critical to being successful.  

I believe that all of us are capable of being champions, unfortunately most will not because they lack the commitment, skills development or team to bring it to reality. 
I am not sure how Luca will go competing at the Nationals, but what I do know is that his preparation has been incredible and regardless of the result it will be an experience that he will keep for the rest of his life.  
If you would like to learn a range of strategies to increase your Leadership to help you win at mobilising your people faster, please click here for a complimentary 20 minute session.

Are you an Old School Leader?

Internal politics often stop forward progress and isolate staff. I recently spoke with a client who described how a number of managers in her organisation had been playing the ‘old school’ game of trying to keep information from others.  

This was one approach that a manager could get away with in the 1980’s and 1990’s because the pace of business and communication was also ‘old school’.  We did not have the real time internet, email, social media and SMS messaging that allow people to share information and take action faster.

In our conversation, I asked her which leaders she admired.  Without having to think she replied “the leaders that inspire, include and challenge me to perform at a higher level.”  

The issue is that we still have too many ‘old school’ leaders that are playing an analogue game in a digital world.  This is resulting in many organisations losing their effectiveness, losing their great staff and eventually losing their market share.

How Not to Get Stuck as an Old School Leader:

  • Ask Questions to Understand.  Rather than assuming that you know everything and keeping information to yourself, take the time to ask lots of questions.  Do this to understand the different viewpoints, concerns, challenges and successes of your people.  
  • Keep An Open Mind & Keep Learning.  I remember working with a very successful multimillionaire businessman that was in his 70’s.  Whilst I was facilitating a group of other very successful leaders I noticed he continually took out a small notebook and was writing things down.  During one of the breaks I asked him how he was finding the session that I was leading.  “Great” he responded and he showed me all of the notes he had taken from the session that I was running.  Although he was towards the end of his career and very successful already, he was continually learning.
  • Mentor & Stretch Your People Many leaders do not take the time to mentor their staff.  They often use the excuse of being ‘too busy.’  The leaders that truly inspire and motivate their people are the ones that take the time to check in and mentor in 1:1 situations.  Look for opportunities to share insights and wisdom and ask questions that stretch or challenge how your people view a situation.  

In this age of disruption businesses can’t afford to have ‘old school’ leaders.  The pace of change, competition, technological shifts and staff expectations all demand more of a leader.  

If you would like to learn a range of Leadership Hacks to help you mobilise your people faster, please click here for a complimentary 20 minute session.

Do You Need a Break? 

Well, we made it to the Easter Long weekend and I noticed from my recent Leadership Coaching sessions almost everyone needs a break.  The beginning of the year has been a sprint with people trying to get back to a sense of normal with the threat of COVID lockdowns.

I have noticed the pressure that is occurring between many leaders.  Sometimes we send an email forgetting to give context or forgot to check in with others and let them know we appreciate the work that they do (I know personally I have made a number of these mistakes and need a break too).

So, how are you going to recharge and refresh over the next couple of days?  Of course, many people will have the reconnection with family over the holiday and this can be a nice way to reconnect.  Although for some this can create a bit of stress.

Remember to take time for yourself.  Take time to reflect on the leader that you want to be.  It may also be a good time to reflect on the actions that you have been taking recently (at work and at home) and do a check to see if you are living the way you should be.  No one is perfect, however sometimes we get so busy and under pressure that we need to take a break to gain some true perspective. Here are a few things that you may want to do during this mini break: 

  1. Do Some Exercise.  Everyone knows that when we exercise endorphins are released and they make us feel better.  Take the time to get your body moving and ideally get out in the fresh air.
  2. Eat a Cherished Meal.  I love to eat (probably too much!)  One way to help recharge is to eat a cherished meal.  This is a meal that is healthy and that you know when you eat it, you get that warm feeling inside.  Preparing a meal with someone else can also be a wonderful thing.
  3. Let Someone Know You Appreciate Them.  When we are under pressure we forget to appreciate the people in our lives.  We forget the importance and value that they bring us.  Take the time over the break to let the important people in your life know that you appreciate them.  

Also many of you are wonderful supporters of Hands Across the Water and may have seen the message about us having to use some charity funds for admin for the first time.  Although this was a challenging decision, it is in the best interest of the Thai children to ensure that we can support them long term.  

Thank you to all of you who have contacted me and have shown your support.  I look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming Future of Leadership (click her to get your ticket) or on a future ride in Thailand! 

Are You Hands On?

“Can I help Dad?”  said Luca, my fourteen year old son.  I was just about to mow the lawn when he noticed what I was up to.  As we worked together with the weed trimmer and mower I noticed a big smile across my son’s face.  We were spending time together in a “hands on” project.  It was food for the soul.

So often people get too busy that they do not take this time to share an experience with their kids, family or loved ones.  We get so caught up in other activities that we forget how important these moments are.

And it is not just at home.  In the workplace we need to create meaningful ‘hands on’ touch-points that bring people together.  I recently worked with a client in the government sector that is currently going through a structural change.  Rather than going behind closed doors to map out the future framework and structure, the Director of the division invited all of his staff to participate in a series of workshops to share their ideas on the way forward.  

Rather than talk ‘at them’, the group were asked to get ‘hands on’.  Their ideas were captured and they ranked them to identify which were the most important areas to be further clarified and explored to move the organisation forward.  At the end of the sessions, the feedback was extremely positive (whereas before there was a lot of discussion, fear and concern).  More importantly the group was engaged in the process and the culture was strengthened because people had a chance to be involved.

There are a number of ways to increase your ‘hands on’ touch-points:

  1. Make Time.  One of the best strategies is to schedule time to be ‘hands on’ with others.  This can be a scheduled appointment learning a new skill with someone else, a brainstorming strategy session or a fun relationship building activity that allows everyone to get involved. Or you could go together to the Future of Leadership 1 Day Conference and learn together.  Click here for more info.
  2. Take Time.  Look for the opportunities to check in with people ‘on the fly’.  This is not having scheduled time, however it’s about taking moments in time to reconnect with others.  It could be participating in their meeting, having a hallway conversation to get them involved with something or creating a reversal teaching moment where you get them to teach you something. 
  3. Thank Time.  Everyone knows that giving others recognition can go a long way.  One of the biggest challenges I hear is that managers are so busy that they forget to thank people.  It may be for the effort that they put in or the extra hours that they came in early to help ensure a project deadline was met.  By thanking them and giving them little surprises (or gifts) you can increase your relationship and make the bond between you even stronger.  

Review your last week.  Did you create ‘hands on’ touch-points with others?  Did you actively find a way to connect with them in a meaningful way where both of you had a sense of achievement? 

If you would like to find out how I run my hand on interactive Compression Planning sessions for teams, click here.   And don’t forget to make this happen at home.