Leadership Hacks
Leadership Hacks are a business leaders guide to getting things done in a smarter way. After helping thousands of leaders implement fast-track strategies and hacks to improve results, Scott presents the insights from his book Leadership Hacks: Clever Shortcuts to Boost Your Impact and Results.

Delegation Hacks
A Harvard Business Review study titled ‘Why aren’t you delegating?’ found that almost 50% of the companies surveyed were concerned about their employees’ delegation skills—and most of them didn’t offer training on how to delegate.
Coaching Hacks
Everyone knows that coaching is valuable. The challenge is finding the time and a fast track process to use, given how busy most leaders are with competing priorities pulling them in multiple directions.

Team Hacks
One crucial area that needs to be hacked: team meetings. Who hasn’t been to a meeting that was a waste of time? Add all of these meetings up including the time and lost productivity and this is a big opportunity that needs to be hacked.
Hacking Your Inbox
Many staff are challenged with the fast-pace of the business world that is constantly bringing in new communication and emails 24/7. Inboxes are constantly full of new information and as you’re reading one email, a new one is already coming in.

Ancient Wisdom
In a world where we are faced with unlimited choices and limited time, business owners, leaders, and staff are finding it hard to stay focused.
Thought Leaders Advantage
Are your market conditions getting more challenging and traditional methods of attracting business starting to lose their effectiveness?