What will be your Rites of Passage for 2019

My son started High School this week and as a parent, it is a funny feeling when you realise that your kids are starting to grow up.  High school is a big milestone, in fact, it’s an important Rite of Passage.

It started me thinking about Rites of Passage.  Throughout time native people would have ceremonies to celebrate when someone moved from one phase of their life to the next.  I was fortunate enough to spend time with the Navajo people in Arizona in January and was reminded of how important these are. I think sometimes we get so busy in the modern world that we forget to reflect on our past and make time to plan for our life moving forward.  

As we are at the start of a new year, do you have any planned Rites of Passage?  Have you organised a chance to learn new skills or hacks to do things faster? Researched a new hobby or club to get involved in? Or schedule a holiday with the important people in your life?  Regardless of the specific activity, you want to take or achieve, by making it a goal and starting a Rite of Passage you will find yourself getting closer to it. Here are 3 things you can do to start your 2019 Rites of Passage:

Map Your 2019 Rites of Passage

  1. For Work:  Start by identifying what activity you need to focus on this year to help you achieve the outcomes you want.  Capture the 3-5 work achievements you want to accomplish and then identify the Critical Path that you need to take to reach these goals.  Make sure that you identify a goal that will stretch you to the next level.
  2. Team Goals:  If you are in a position of leadership, identify with other people what it is that you are going to do to empower, stretch and develop them.  Share this with them and commit time and energy to making sure it happens. Ideally, you would have a check in session with your people that allows them to get actively involved in identifying the goals or activities that need to be taken to achieve these.
  3. At Home:  Be careful not to get sucked into the world of work and forget the things that are important to you at home.  Schedule time to attend your children’s school activities, even during the day (everyone can get 1-2 hours off of work – just plan ahead).  Identify the touch-points and time that you are going to spend with your partner or significant others to make sure that work does not consume all of your time.

When people take action they create their Rite of Passage and can achieve great things throughout the year.  Don’t just think about it, commit to it by writing it down and focusing on it throughout the year. The people that achieve great things are not just lucky, they stay focused on what they really want!

The Push to Christmas – Almost There!

It’s started….  the race towards Christmas.  This is the time of year when you try to cram everything in before the holiday break.  Home is usually busy with school events (end of year dance concerts, Christmas carols and everything in between!) and the mad rush to get a tree and pick whom you are buying presents for.   

At work, people reach a sprinting pace.  I spoke with a client recently who was putting in massive hours this week so she could get everything finished before Christmas.  This is a common pattern at this time of year and the stress levels can start to rise!

This started me thinking around what can people do to not become the stressed out and grumpy “Grinch” leading up to the holidays and I am not just talking about work.  Many people become even more stressed out at home as they have to shift their routine for more school pick-ups and rehearsals as well as trying to organise the numerous Christmas events that are on the calendar.

So what can you do to stay calm and be the happy and stress-free person that everyone loves to be around?

Winning the Race to Christmas:

1.    Mentally Prepare. Just like any sporting event, you need to take the time to be mentally and physically ready. Make sure that you take the time to exercise and move to release the stress to enable the endorphins to kick in order to keep us happy.  Also, make sure that you take the time to stay healthy.  With many parties leading up to the holidays make sure that you focus on the good stuff (or remember every drink is an extra 3km run the next day!).

2.    Remember to Embrace the Spirit of the Holidays. For children, Christmas can be a wonderful time of year.  It is a time of presents, holidays and yummy food.  Sometimes we forget about this.  Take the time to reconnect with the spirit of the holidays.  Also, share a special memory from when you were a child of some of the joy that you had whilst growing up.

3.    Spread the Cheer to Anyone & Everyone.  Remember to spread positive energy to those around you.  Giving someone a simple smile when you look at them can simply make their day.  Be someone that others want to hang out with because of the positive energy that you are spreading.  Also, be Santa to someone that does not know you.  Help those in need and give them a bit of Christmas cheer as well.

Although the push to Christmas can be a bit stressful, by being more mindful and keeping everything in perspective we can make a positive difference to our colleagues, friends, and family.

Merry Christmas and Stay True to Your Path

What Are You Thankful For?

What are you thankful for?  As we lead up to the last month of the year, it can be easy for us to get swamped with emails, distracted with technology, and busy trying to keep our heads above water.  You often hear people remind themselves, “If I can just get to the Christmas break, everything will be fine.”

In the US, Thanksgiving is a holiday that allows many people to have a mini break and catch their breath before the last push for the year end.  It is a very unique holiday which is often spent with family and friends sharing around a large meal together. Originally Thanksgiving was created as a holiday for the Pilgrims to give thanks for surviving another year (mostly due to the help of the native people at the time, but that is a different story).  There is something about being thankful and grateful that can provide a sense of peace.

When people are truly grateful their energy shifts.  It is almost as if they become more content with their place in the world (and the world around them).  More importantly, I believe that these people become more attractive to others and can inspire others to be more than they thought was possible.

I recently had breakfast with two friends of mine that I had not seen in a few months.  As we shared a meal together and talked about our work (and home) lives something special happened.  We started going above and beyond the obvious. We were not stuck in the small issues and distractions that come up every day.  As we shared ideas that inspired each other. After the breakfast meeting I noticed more spring in my step and I was thankful for the time we spent together, it had brightened my day (and the follow up text from them that showed how grateful they were let me know if was reciprocated).

What would happen if we were more thankful for the experiences, lessons learnt from the people around us?  If we spent the time sharing a meal with someone where we had a deep conversation that helped both of us gain valuable insights to want to make a positive difference in the world.

There are a number of ways that you can take action to be thankful:

  1. Staff.  With the lead up to the crazy activity before Christmas, take the time to show staff that you are grateful for their efforts.  Shout them to a morning tea, take them to a lunch, give them a dinner voucher or movie tickets to allow them to have some time with people that they’re grateful for.  Do this before the Christmas function to let them know it is important (and not just the typical Christmas gesture).
  2. Clients.  Let your clients know that they are important and that you are thankful for them.  Do not just do the typical Christmas Cards that are printed and impersonal. Do something that is personal that lets them know you appreciate them.  This can be something as simple as giving them a copy of a book that you believe they would be interested in or something that has meaning to them (like their favourite chocolate).
  3. Loved Ones.  Before the Christmas madness sets in, take the time to let your loved ones know that you are grateful for them in your life.  Give them the hug for no reason and hold onto them a little longer than normal, whisper in their ear that you are thankful that they are in your lives.

Take a moment to write down the names of 3 people that you are going to demonstrate that you are thankful for.  It can be a client, staff member or loved one. Do something to let them know they are important to you and you are grateful.  Remember it is the little things and gestures that people remember and appreciate. And if we can get them to pass it on, we can create a positive impact much larger than ourselves.

The More You Give – The More You Get

The More You Give – The More You Get

I live on the Northern Beaches of Sydney and as it is now spring, the beaches are open and I had my first day of surf life-saving patrol.  This involves getting the rescue equipment ready and in position to be used if a swimmer gets into trouble in one of the many ocean rips that are found across South Curl Curl beach.

I was fortunate to have both my daughters also assisting me on patrol (don’t let them know it, but they are probably faster swimmers than me!).  As we were watching the surf and having a chat I realised that I was really enjoying the time together. It was a sunny Sunday and we were doing something together.  More importantly, I think when people give themselves to others, something magical happens.  It is as if the universe gives you a moment of peace and happiness because you are putting others ahead of yourself.  Some cultures call this Kharma whilst others call it ‘Paying it Forward’.

When was the last time you did something to give?  Or took the time to put someone that you care about or a complete stranger ahead of yourself?  With all the uncertainty, fear and ‘busyness’ in the world right now I reckon we could use just a little bit more of a connection between people.  Being of service to others is one great way to do this.

In saying that, if you would like to attend a wonderful event that is all about giving I would like to invite you to attend the Hands Across the Water Night of Celebration in Sydney (or Auckland if that is closer!).  It is a great evening that is full of giving, good food and entertainment.  Click here to book your ticket (or table).  If you can’t make it you can also make a donation, or give your time or your expertise.

Remember the more you give – the more you get!

Did You Make Father’s Day Breakfast?

Did You Make Fathers Day Breakfast?

Our children’s school has a wonderful tradition every year of the kids and helpers making breakfast the Friday before Father’s (or Mother’s Day).  

Yes, it meant getting up a little earlier to get the kids to the school by 7.30am however it was well worth it.  As they made a little presentation I looked around and noticed how close the fathers and their sons were to one another.  Many of them had a hand on their shoulder demonstrating their love, what a great experience.

It made me wonder if we are committing to the important things in our lives or are we getting too busy with work and life.  There were fathers, grandfathers and special father figures that were there spending time together.  It would have been so easy to skip this morning fathers day breakfast with the common excuses of workload or not planning ahead.

So what are you not taking time to do?  What should you be doing to let the important people in your life know that you care and appreciate them?  It could be a family member, a distant relative, a co-worker or a friend.  By taking a few minutes to connect and share time with them you are helping make a positive difference.  Sharing a meal together, going for a walk or a bike ride, or just picking up the phone to let them know you were thinking about them.  Simple gestures can make a big impact.

If you are overloaded at work and you are looking for strategies to help you, pick up a copy of my new book. Leadership Hacks:  Clever shortcuts to boost your impact and results. It is the smart leader’s guide to getting more done in less time. If you have a copy and enjoyed the strategies can you go onto Amazon and give me a positive review.  To purchase a copy, please click here.

Stay True to Your Path


Action Speak Louder than Words

We have all heard this saying before so it is nothing new.  What I am always surprised to notice is how easy it is for leaders to forget about it.

I remember attending a team meeting where the Manager was going through the results of the last quarter with his sales team.  They had a brilliant quarter and they had smashed their targets by almost 15%.  When the Manager talked about the latest targets he just said a good job to everyone for the effort and then moved onto the next quarter’s targets and the need for his people to go out there and “work harder.”  

I watched as his people’s body language just sank.  You could feel the energy leave the room and the motivation of the group drop to a new low.  Rather than doing something about it, the Manager just continued on talking through his meeting agenda.  When the meeting was finished his staff just walked out of the room demotivated.

He completely missed the point.  Rather than recognising his people and building this positive energy up to keep them motivated his actions took the typical approach and demotivated his people—regardless of what he said.

So how do you make sure that you don’t miss the point?  

Make sure that you select the right way to communicate and deliver your message—by what you say and what you do. Take the time to connect with people and read their energy.  Finally, make sure that what you are saying (and asking others to do) is in alignment with what you are doing and demonstrating.

A close friend of mine, Alan Parker is one of the most talented facilitators in the country.  He has organised Michael Grinder, one of the worlds leading experts on nonverbal communication and influence and is running a series of 1 day and multi-day workshops in both Sydney and Melbourne starting from next week.  

click here to find out more.

In closing, I am very happy to announce that my book Leadership Hacks:  Clever shortcuts to boost your impact and results will be in bookstores across Australia from 1 August.  My goal is to get it to best seller list and I need your help! To purchase a copy, please click here.

Are you an Old School Leader?

I recently was working with a client discussing an issue that they were having with internal politics inside their organisation.  When described what was occurring it was very clear that a number of the Senior Leaders were playing the “old school” game of trying to keep information from others.  When the client analysed why they were doing this they realised that these leaders were brought up in the age of the 1980’s & 1990’s and have the belief if you are a Manager you need to keep ideas and communication close to your chest and not share it.

This was one approach that a Manager could get away with during the 1980’s & 1990’s because the pace of business and communication was also ‘old school.’  We did not have the real-time Internet, email, social media and SMS that allows people to share information and take action faster.

In our conversation, I asked which leaders she admired.  Without having to think she replied, “the leaders that inspire, include and challenge me to perform at a higher level than I even think I can.”  This is a common response that I receive from many people.  They want to be supported, challenged, stretched and mentored by their leaders so they can achieve and succeed at a higher level.  The issue is that we still have too many “old school” leaders that are playing an analog game in a digital world.  This is resulting in many organisations losing their effectiveness, along with their great staff and eventually losing their market share, or for others their existence.
How Not to Get Stuck as an Old School Leader:

  1. Ask Questions to Understand. Rather than assuming that you know everything and keeping information to yourself, take the time to ask lots of questions.  Do this to understand the different viewpoints, concerns, challenges, and successes of your people.    Often I have found that a leader just taking the time to ask the opinion of their people, the relationship gets stronger because they show that they care and value their perspective.
  2. Keep An Open Mind & Keep Learning.  I remember working with a very successful multimillionaire businessman that was in his 70’s.  Whilst I was facilitating a group of other very successful leaders I noticed he continually took out a small notebook and was writing things down.  During one of the breaks, I asked him how he was finding the session that I was leading.  “Great”  he responded and he showed me all of the notes he had taken from the session that I was running.  Although he was toward the end of his career and very successful already, he was continually learning.
  3. Mentor & Stretch Your People. Many leaders do not take the time to mentor their staff.  They often use the excuse of being “too busy.”  The leaders that truly inspire and motivate their people are the ones that take the time to check in and mentor in 1:1 situations.  Look for opportunities to share insights and wisdom and ask questions that stretch or challenge how your people view a situation.  Make sure that you stretch them in a way that is supportive, not putting them down like an “old school” leader would to make themselves feel superior.

In this age of disruption, businesses can’t afford to have “old school” leaders.  The pace of change, competition, technological shifts and staff expectations all demand more of a leader.  Make the choice to step up, be the leader that others admire, respect and would walk over cut glass for.

What Type of Learner Are You?

Getting everyone moving to the same drum

It has been school holidays and we have been focused on having some fun with the kids.  My eldest daughter, Jasmine has also been working on a school assignment during the holidays.  Last night as she was working away I started thinking about the mindset that we have around learning.  For most of us, we were raised during the time that learning and studying were when you were at school and that once you left school you didn’t need to continue learning.

This was probably true in the 1980’s when the time was much slower and things did not happen as fast as they do now.  However, today I am finding that most of the leaders that I am working with are continually learning.  With so many innovations and new technology platforms emerging, it is even more important to keep fresh an open-minded.

I have found that there are 3 types of learners:  Clever, Forced and Reactive.

What type of learner are you?

  1. Clever Learners:  These are the learners that are searching for new information, innovations or ways to do things faster or smarter.  They often spend their time between meetings or projects scanning through the internet or other sources to see what the new emerging trends are and what others are doing to stay productive, leveraging technology and new ways of doing things.
  2. Forced Learners.  I am always amazed when I work with a leader who does not actively look to learn, but the industry or role that they are in force them to learn.  Recently I spoke with a leader who had a team of staff in regional areas that were talking about the change in their organisational structure and how they were getting their people to use technology such as their smartphones and tablets, rather than paper and pen whilst they were on the road.  In essence, these staff were being forced to make the transition because their role had changed and they had no choice if they wanted to complete all the tasks on their plate.
  3. Reactive Learners. These learners are the ones that still are trying to avoid learning and often the ones lagging in their roles.  They are often letting others lead the way and waiting for the learning to land in their lap when they are ready for it.  Unfortunately, these are also the people that I find create stress for their colleagues because they are often viewed as not equally carrying the workload and others need to pick up their slack.

Think back to the last week or two.  Which category would you put yourself into?  Now is the time to be a Clever Learner.  When you have a spare 10 minutes, take the time to search your industry and find out what the new trends are.  Talk to people in your network to learn what they view as the emerging strategies to move forward. 

The more you actively learn, the more others admire and respect you and the better prepared you can be for the future.Anchor

So What’s the Next Big Thing?

So What's the Next Big Thing?

I was involved in a series of webinars and the concern of disruption was one of the hot topics.  Everywhere you look you can see disruption that is coming from multiple industries as a constant barrage.  Many of my clients are looking around to see what is their point of difference or edge that they can use.

These changes are coming from new technological platforms that offer faster and more integrated ways of doing things, shift in societal and work trends with many of the younger generation willing to forgo a big salary to have a better work/life way of living, an uncertainty of what this means to business and individuals moving forward.

A close friend of mine, Nils Vesk is an innovation expert and is the author of several books including Innovation Archetypes and Ideas with Legs.  He is also brilliant at getting people to look forward and identify emerging social-cultural trends as well as how you can innovate to stay in front of them.

Nils, along with 2 other innovative speakers, Blythe Rowe and Paul Carson are running a half day Next Big Thing event in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane that will allow you to recognise emerging trends that may impact you as well as what you can do to stay in front of the competition.  You will also have the opportunity to generate a Personal Trends Chart & Strategy Map on the day.

Because of my relationship with Nils, I have been able to get a handful of free tickets to each of these events and offer them to you at no cost. 

  1. Why You Should Attend:  To stay in front of the Next Big Thing you need to take yourself out of your routine and get the innovative juices flowing in a way that is productive.  You get to listen to world-class speakers, as well as receive registration to an 8-week online innovation program.  You can attend in Sydney on 31 May, in Melbourne on 1st June or in Brisbane on 14th of June. 
  2. How to Register For Free Anchor(Saving you $399)  Nils has provided me with a handful of complimentary tickets for each event so get in quick before they are gone.  Normal cost to attend this great event is $399 each.   On the day the value you will receive will be much greater than this as it is worth over $1499.  To register, please use the coupon SCOTT on the following link: https://www.innovationblueprint.com.au/event-tickets/

If you would like to gather some additional ideas and get your brain thinking at a higher level I invite you to attend the attend one of the Next Big Thing Events.  Remember to make sure that you are looking at how to stay on the leading edge of your industry and your people and what you can do to create the next big thing.

R U Focusing on Best Practice?

R U Focusing on Best Practice?

With all of the disruption that is occurring across numerous industries, a new race has been created.  The race is not just about running a successful business or organisation, it is about doing things in a faster and more effective way than your competitors. 

This is not a new occurrence as business has always had this dynamic, the real difference is that now it is about how to make a number of things click at the same time in a way that integrates technology, your people, and the customer experience.

I was speaking with a client who was complaining about the customer satisfaction surveys that their organisation used.  Because his scores were not what they should be he was starting to complain about the survey and about how picky customers were becoming.  To try to address this, he was having sessions with his staff to get them to pay more attention to the customer.  The challenge was that the internal operations and systems that they were using made it harder for their staff to look after customers.  They had not fully integrated a user-friendly IT platform that both staff and customers could use.  Because of this, staff did not have the capacity or time to do what they wanted to do with the customers they were interacting with. 

This is a common situation that I come across when an organistion does not look holistically at how to create best practice.

To keep up with business today, there are 3 key areas that need to be focused on at the same time to enable your organisation and people to stay in front.

  1. People.  Everyone knows that people are the heartbeat of any organisation.  There are 3 main principals that need to occur to enable your people to achieve best practice:  Attitude, They need to have the right mindset and want to make things happen.  Skills.  They need to be competent and have the capability to do what their role and organisation needs and Capacity.  They need to have the time to do what they know that they should do.  This means ensuring that the systems and IT systems provide them with more time to get things done.
  2. Operational Approach.  Given how quickly things are changing the operational approach needs to be a high priority.  Standards.  There needs to be clear standards and procedures that everyone is aware of.  Benchmarks.  There need to be clear targets that allow staff to identify how they are performing and give them the opportunity to influence the standards/operations if they are creating obstacles to reaching these KPI’s.   Leverage Technology.  This is the area that many businesses are falling behind on.  They are not using or integrating technology to enable their staff to be more productive or enhance the customer experience.
  3. Customer Experience.  The customer experience needs to have 3 key ingredients.  Quality.  Whatever the service or product is that you are delivering it needs to be good, people need to agree that it is reliable and that they would purchase it again.  Value.  Customers need to receive value not just from the product or service that they are purchasing, but also in the entire purchasing experience.  We need to do things that ‘value add’ to enhance the relationship.  Convenience.  This is now the new focus for most customers.  Given how fast society is people want it faster and quicker than ever before. Often they will pay more if they can get it in a way that suits their busy lifestyle and more importantly they become advocates for businesses that can make this happen.

Why is Amazon scaring so many retailers?  The speed at which they can get their products to customers is great.  Amazon Prime members in the US can order an item from Amazon and receive it in 3 hours.  They have been able to achieve this because they have nailed all 3 of the key areas. 

So what are you going to do to allow your organisation and your people to create the worlds Best Practice?  By using this formula as a guide you can help make things happen faster and take things to the next level.