What will you achieve in 2020?

Ahh, the start of a new year. I always enjoy the beginning of the year as it is a great time to reflect on the past year as well as start thinking (& dreaming) about what you want to do over the next 12 months. I have a little ritual at this time of year. I go back through my photos and my calendar and take a look at what I have been up to. I also update my personal financial snapshot to look at our financials and assets/liabilities. After this I start looking at the next 12 months.

So what are your goals for the year? Will you just go through the motions as in the past, or are you going to take the time to identify what you want to achieve at work and at home? Have you taken the time to write them out and commit them to paper? I find that a few random thoughts and ideas in the mind is not the same as writing them down and publishing them as a way to ensure that you take action towards them.

This is even more important if you are a Manager or leader of a team. This is the time to get your people together and work with them to clearly identify the goals and the activities that collectively will achieve these. One recommendation is to use a visual process that allows everyone to participate and get involved. I use a process called Compression Planning, which allows a group of people to equally share and identify the strategies moving forward in a shorter amount of time—walking a way with a written business plan for the next 12 months (with 90 day milestones). So what are you doing with your team to empower and engage them in the goals for the year?

Map Your Goals for 2020:

  1. Your Work Goals. Start by identifying what activity you need to focus on this year to help you achieve the outcomes you want. Capture the 3-5 work goals you want to accomplish and then identify the Critical Path that you need to take to reach these goals. Make sure that you identify goals that will stretch you to the next level.
  2. Team Goals. If you are in a position of leadership with other people identify what it is that you are going to do to empower, stretch and develop them. Share this with them and commit time and energy to making sure it happens. Ideally you would have a planning session with your people that allows them to get actively involved in identifying the goals or the activities that need to be taken to achieve these goals. Given how quickly the world is changing, this is an important process to use on a regular basis to keep them focused and motivated. 
  3. At Home. Be careful not to get sucked into the world of work and forget the things that are important to you at home. Schedule time to attend your children’s school activities, even during the day (everyone can get 1-2 hours off of work—just plan ahead). Identify the touchpoints and time that you are going to spend with your partner or significant others to make sure that work does not consume all of your time.

When you look at people you know that have achieved great things throughout the year, the majority of them did not just ‘get lucky’, they had a number of goals and worked on a plan to achieve these goals. I have found a direct correlation between writing goals and achieving them. There seems to be something that occurs when we commit our goals onto paper—and use this as a reminder of the things we want to do.  

Also make sure that you share these goals with others, it often will create a sense of purpose with them also thinking and identifying their goals for the year which is a great way to strengthen a team. If you would like to find out more about Compression Planning and how to involve your team in planning the next year’s goals, send me an email and I can share a few ideas.

Are You Spreading Christmas Spirit?

As we approach the week of Christmas, the excitement starts to increase as people look forward to spending time with family, friends and away from work. It’s as if we heave a collective sigh of relief that we have once again made it through another working year.

So are you spreading the Christmas spirit? As we get into the Christmas madness it is important to take the time to spread kindness and goodness to others. When you are looking for that special gift for someone are you smiling at others? Are you showing joy and thankfulness?  

Once a year I have a ritual that I have been following since I was first trained in Native American philosophy. It is a meditative prayer that I was taught that gets me to remember all of the people that have come across my path over the past year. I take the time to visualise them and thank them for being a part of my life over the past year. This can be a very powerful (and humbling) experience.   

You decide who and how much time you would like to commit to being thankful (note: this is a great activity to do when you are going on a long drive as it allows the different people you have come across to randomly come into your thoughts as it can take a few hours).

Remember to just send some positive thoughts their way and to be thankful for what they have shared with you. Also, be prepared to realise that some of the interactions with some of these people could have been stressful at the same time, however, there is often a message of learning that you may have received from the experience (even if it was painful at the time!)

By taking a few minutes or a few hours to remember everything and everyone that we are thankful for we can reconnect and realign our energy to allow ourselves to make things just a bit better. And remember to smile to others and spread that Christmas spirit!

To all my friends and family I wish you a safe and connected holiday season.

Resist The End of Year Pressure

We have finally reached the middle of December. The last month of the year and everyone is busily trying to get everything completed before the holiday season and some time off. The number of meeting requests has increased and the number of projects that need to be completed has now reached breakneck speed.  

People are starting to show the strain and in a number of discussions with leaders, they are noticing the pressure and the increase in negativity. I had a discussion with a Senior Manager this week who had noticed that she had to intervene in a number of situations where staff tensions had started to boil over. She has realised the exhaustion that people are feeling have caught up with them and it was spreading across her office.

Most people have mentioned that they have been under pressure and flat out and just need a break, especially at this time of year. The question becomes how can you keep them focused, and positive. Especially before many office Christmas parties where a few alcoholic drinks can muster up the desire to tell others what people really think of them and unload their frustration.

I believe that there are a couple of things you can do to help create a more positive environment to help your people last until the holiday break:

Remain Calm—and put others at ease. An important step to take is to remember to breathe. When we get tense and stressed we do not think clearly. Stay calm with others and recognise they have had a busy year and that everyone needs a break and that we still want to create a positive workplace over the next couple of weeks. I know of one client that used post-it notes and had their staff identify 3 things that were stressing them out and put them on a wall so everyone was aware of it. Sometimes allowing staff to verbalise the pressure that they are feeling allows them to reduce some of the pressure and be able to move forward. 

Let them know you appreciate them. Let your staff know that you appreciate them and the efforts that they have put in the past year. Take the time to actively go to them individually and check in with them. Give them feedback to let them know you have noticed the extra efforts that they may have made to meet recent deadlines. Often just showing you care will help give them the boost they need to get to the holiday escape.

Give them a few rewards. Rather than waiting for the common holiday bonuses, start to spread some early holiday cheer by giving staff a few simple rewards. This can be taking them to lunch or getting some food delivered in. It may involve a few gift cards for movies, shopping or meals that they may be able to keep themselves or reuse with their family. I know of one client that organised a massage therapist to come in and give their staff 20-minute massages at their desk, the energy in the office shifted immediately – all for a $300 spend. Often it is the little things that people remember and small rewards can be a great method to help people get to the end of the year.

So, what are you going to do to help your people make it to the holiday break? Remember by doing a few simple things you can ensure that they go to their time off with a positive mindset.

Starting the Race to Christmas – Get Ready!

It’s started… the race towards Christmas. This is the time of year when you try to cram every little thing in before the holiday break. Home is usually busy with school events (end of year dance concerts, Christmas carols and everything in between!) and the mad rush to get a tree and pick out whom you are buying presents for.   

At work, people reach a sprinting pace. I spoke with a client recently who was putting in massive hours this over the next 2 weeks so she could get everything finished before Christmas. This is a common pattern at this time of year and the stress levels can start to rise!

This started me thinking around what can people do to not become stressed out and a grumpy “Grinch” leading up to the holidays and I am not just talking about work. Many people become even more stressed out at home as they have to shift their routine for more school pick-ups and rehearsals as well as trying to organise the numerous Christmas events that are on the calendar.

So what can you do to stay calm and be the happy and stress free person that everyone loves to be around?

Starting the Race to Christmas:

  1. Mentally Prepare. Just like any sporting event, you need to take the time to be mentally and physically ready. Make sure that you take the time to exercise and move to release the stress to enable the endorphins to kick in which keeps us happy. Also, make sure that you take the time to stay healthy. With many parties leading up to the holidays make sure that you focus on the good stuff (or remember every drink is an extra 3km run the next day!)
  2. Remember to Embrace the Spirit of the Holidays. For children, Christmas can be a wonderful time of year. It is a time of presents, holidays and yummy food. Sometimes we forget about this. Take the time to reconnect with the spirit of the holidays. Also share a special memory from when you were a child of some of the joy that you had whilst growing up.
  3. Spread the Cheer to Anyone & Everyone. Remember to spread positive energy to those around you. Giving someone a simple smile when you look at them can simply make their day. Be someone that others want to hang out with because of the positive energy that you are spreading. Also, be Santa to someone that does not know you. Help those in need and give them a bit of Christmas cheer as well.

Although the push to Christmas can be a bit stressful, by being more mindful and keeping everything in perspective we can make a positive difference to our colleagues, friends, and family.

If you would like to work with me on making 2020 an incredible year, please send me an email for a free phone consultation where I will share a few quick strategies and tell you about my 2020 Personal Leadership Program.

Who Are You Thankful For?

In the US Thanksgiving is a massive holiday. Yes, it has the common American commercialisation (who doesn’t love a Black Friday Sales!) but at its core, it is about something much deeper.

When I was growing up, Thanksgiving was about spending time with family and the people you loved and taking the time to reflect on what you were truly thankful for. I think that it is a wonderful ritual that we should do more often.  

If you are like me, this year has been a bit exhausting. There have been plenty of challenges, ups, and downs as well as some recent deaths that have brought sadness.  

However, when I look back over the year there is plenty that I have to be thankful for. I’m fortunate to have good health and enjoy some wonderful times with my wife and kids. When my dad was diagnosed with liver cancer, I made a commitment to fly back every 90 days to spend time with him and my mother, wow I am so thankful that I did. There is something about being thankful and grateful that can provide a sense of peace.

When people are truly grateful their energy shifts. It is almost as if they become more content with their place in the world. More importantly, I believe that these people become more attractive to others and can inspire those around them to be more than they thought was possible.

What would happen if we were more thankful for the experiences, lessons learned and the people around us? If we spent dedicated time sharing a meal with someone where we had a deep conversation that helped both of us gain valuable insights to want to make a positive impact in the world. 

Who Should You Be Thankful For?

  1. Your partner or best friend. My wife is incredible and supports me in my dreams and we work together to create rituals for our kids. Her boundless energy and ability to give to others always amazes me and sometimes I forget to tell her. Remember they will not be here forever so tell them that you are thankful for them! 
  2. Your family. Before the Christmas madness sets in, take the time to let your family know that you appreciate them in your life. Give them a hug for no reason and hold onto them a little longer than normal, whisper in their ear you are thankful they are in your lives.  
  3. Your friends & colleagues. Let your friends know that they are important and that you appreciate them. Do something that is personal to show this. It could be having lunch and remembering the good times or giving them a candle to show you are with them when they need a little light in their life (thanks Georgia!)

Take a moment to write down the names of three people that you are going to demonstrate that you are thankful for. It can be a partner, family member, friend or staff member. Do something to let them know they are important to you and you are grateful. Remember it is the little things and gestures that people remember and appreciate. And if we can get them to pass it on, we can create a positive impact much larger than ourselves.

Fatherly Wisdom

Wow – another challenging week. I had finished some US client work and was visiting my parents when my father’s health significantly declined (he had been fighting liver cancer for 2 years). I was lucky to be with him and my mother to the end.  

When someone is facing death you never know how they will be. Although he loved life, as he neared the end my father was incredible. He would joke around with the hospice staff and always be quick with a smile, even when he could not talk (and he still liked the banana popsicles that he could suck on!)

After celebrating his 52nd wedding anniversary with my mother, he said he was ready to go. A few days later we both held his hand and said our goodbyes whilst he took his last breath. It is a surreal experience and I am going to miss one of my best friends, but I am glad that he went so quickly and without pain.

The next morning I jumped into his car to run-up to the shops. As fate would have it, the car had a flat tyre. So with a few tears in my eyes, I changed the tyre, just the way he taught me so many years ago.  

As my father, Larry Stein, was such a kind soul, many people appreciated his advice, I’d like to share some of the wisdom he shared with me:

  1. Be Kind and Smile. Sometimes we get so busy with work and other tasks that we can be a bit robotic and abrupt when dealing with other people (including our loved ones). Rather than getting upset with others, my father would just smile. You get a lot further with others when you smile and be kind.  
  2. Put Family First. My father loved our family. He loved my mother and his grandkids and would do anything for them. When I was a kid he would work long hours to provide, but when he got home he would always have time for me. I also saw this when he was with his grandchildren how he spent time with them. This included having them ride on his John Deere ride-on-mower until they would fall asleep—he had such a big smile on his face. He showed me the importance of putting family first. Remember work is temporary, but family is forever (so don’t wait to let them know how much you love them!)
  3. Leave a Positive Legacy. This is something that he did not talk to me about, however, it is something that he has left. Once he passed I posted the news on Facebook and the comments that came back were incredible. High school friends from over three decades ago remembered him and his kindness. Many also mentioned that he was one of the best bosses they ever had and that the advice he provided made a massive impact on their lives. Legacy is about what you leave behind that others remember. Live your life to leave a positive legacy.

I am so thankful that I was with my father until the end. The wisdom that he has shared with me will guide me for the rest of my life. I love you Dad.

Do You Think About the Future?

I have had a very interesting (actually challenging and stretching) last couple of weeks. I was fortunate enough to be present when my brother in law passed away and I am currently in the US delivering a few workshops and visiting my parents. My father has stage 3 liver cancer and to date has been operating almost as normal. He has recently taken a turn toward the next stage and now needs a little assistance.

It has really gotten me to start thinking about the future. When he was diagnosed I wanted to ensure that I made an effort to spend more time with him, a bit challenging given my parents live in Arizona and I live in Sydney, Australia. I have been lucky though as I have been able to visit them every 3-4 months. The time that we have had together has been wonderful, including a fun visit from one of my best friends from high school who also stayed with me and my parents for a few nights!

When you are at a crossroads, it can often force you to think and start looking into the future. Sometimes there is fear and other times there is excitement and often it is a bit of both. I think that we do not spend enough time thinking about the future or taking action now to ensure that we have no regrets in the future.

I reckon there are 3 things we need to remind ourselves about when it comes to the future:

  1. We all have a limited number of days – make the most of them! We all know that no one lives forever. However, sometimes we forget this. Given we only have a finite number of days on this earth it is important to make the most of them. The last thing you want to do when you hit retirement is to have an illness and miss the chance to do the things you wanted to – make the most of your time now.
  2. Make the Effort to Share Time with Important People. Time is a funny thing as it continually moves faster and faster the older you get. Remember to take the time to spend and share experiences with the people that are important to you. It can be too long between drinks and you miss the sparkle that others can give you.
  3. Tell The Ones You Love that You Love Them. Sometimes we forget to tell others how important or special they are to us. Just taking the time to let others know that you love them and that they make your life a better place spreads joy between people and we need more of that!

So remember to make the most of the time you have. Find ways to love the work you do and appreciate the people you do it with and spend time with those who are important to you.

If you would like to have a discussion to learn how you can be even more things done at work and have more time for home and family, reach out to me and I can share my new Leadership Efficiency Program that is designed to help you get more things done and mobilise your people in a 90 day Format. 

Reflections of a Good Man

 Have you ever had a tough week? You know one of those weeks that just fully drains and exhausts you and you find your self tossing and turning whilst you are trying to sleep at night? 

I recently had a tough week. My brother in law, Michael, after 11 years of fighting passed away from Myotonic Dystrophy. It was a very cruel disease where he slowly lost muscle tone and control and spent his last years in a wheel chair. I was fortunate enough to be with him and the rest of the family at the very end and was able to say goodbye before his last breath. If you have ever lost someone close, it can be a very bittersweet moment—relieved that he is now finished suffering, but sad at the loss of such a wonderful person.

 This also has caused me to reflect on a few important things that Mike has inspired in me that I would like to pass on. 

1) Don’t Complain. As we were preparing for the funeral we had the chance to think back to all the wonderful times that we shared with Mike. It was interesting over the past 11 years I did not once hear him complain about his condition. He would get frustrated when he could not do the things he used to—like driving a car, walking unassisted or being in a wheel chair. But he never once complained, he just kept moving forward in life. Sometimes we need to just appreciate what we have and not complain.

2) Live Life to the Fullest with the Time You Have.  Although he was physically challenged, Mike still kept exploring. He would still go to the movies, travel (including a big trip 2 years ago to Chamonix) and even went skiing in the Snowy Mountains in July this year. I think sometimes we need to take and make the opportunities that help us live our lives to the fullest—rather than waiting until the ‘right’ time.

3) Never Give Up. The other thing I learned from Mike is that he never gave up. He was stubborn and even if a simple task like picking up a bottle of beer took a few minutes, he kept at it. He never gave up along the way. Sometimes we need to stay strong to what we believe in and also never give up along the way.

These are a few reflections on the life of a good man. Sometimes we get so busy with life that we forget the things that are important—and the people that are important to us. I will never forget Mike and enjoyed the time that we spent together—and I will also remember the life lessons that he has taught me.

Do You Love Where You Are?

Sometimes I get so busy that I forget to look up and appreciate the things around me. This can be my family, my friends, my work or even the city that I live in. I just finished a Leadership Efficiency Coaching session and decided to take the Sydney Ferry from the city to Manly. As the ferry left Circular Quay it passed the Sydney Opera House.  

Wow, what an incredible sight. Sometimes we are surrounded by amazing things and we don’t take the time to really look at them and appreciate them. I also think the same is true at work. Many leaders get so caught up in the daily grind that they get exhausted and forget to see the great things around them. This could be the enthusiasm of a new staff member, the commitment that someone had to go above and beyond on a task, or the enjoyment of Friday afternoon drinks with a group of colleagues.

Sometimes we need to take a look around, here are a few tips:

  1. Take the time to really look at people. Rather than just blinding walking (or driving) to get somewhere take the time to look at people. Flash them a smile and it is amazing to see how quickly they will flash one back (we need a bit more happy vibes in the world!)
  2. Recognise your work environment. Even when things are stressful, it is important to do some things that make the workplace a bit of fun. Remember you “live” at work 8-10hours per day so you may as well make it a fun place to be. Hold a morning tea, drinks at a local place close by or allow them to bring in their kids to show them around. Regardless of what you do – by bringing a bit of fun can make all the difference.
  3. Appreciate Your Surroundings. If you work in the city, look at the incredible buildings and the design and care that was put in to build these amazing places. If you are in the country, appreciate the changing seasons and how this changes the surrounding trees and vegetation. Better yet get outside to explore a few new places!

I think if we love where we live we can have a more positive outlook and be more effective & fulfilled. If you don’t then either change the environment—or as a friend of mine did recently move to another place to help you make the change.

I have developed a new Leadership Efficiency Program that is designed to help you get more things done and mobilise your people in a 90 day Format. If you would like to find out more in a free 20 minute consultation, reach out to me at [email protected]. I am also running a Thought Leaders info session on the 14th of November in Santa Monica. To find out more click here.

Could you be more efficient?

I have a question for you. What would you do if you had an extra hour a day? Would you get the exercise in? Spend an extra hour with the kids? Or would you make a dent in the backlog of work projects that have been piling up?

Regardless of how you would spend your time, what I find is that most people know that they could be more efficient and get more things done in less time. So what stops us? I was having a conversation with a leader recently who was talking about how busy she had been. She felt like she was struggling to keep up and everything felt hard. When I asked her what her strategy was to be more efficient she quickly said “I don’t have time to implement one” which was part of the issue!

Here are a few ideas you could use to help you be more efficient:

  1. Be Aware of Where You Spend Your Time. One main reason why leaders are challenged with getting more done is that they are not aware of where they are spending their time. Do an analysis – track your activity over a week and this will help you see what needs to change.
  2. Seek Out Shortcuts or Fast Hacks. There are plenty of books, videos and youtube videos that can provide you with strategies to be more efficient. Spend 10minutes per day stretching your mind and collecting strategies that you can use.
  3. Work with a Leadership Mentor. Rather than blindly trying to be more effective, work with someone that will help you to quickly identify ways to have a bigger impact and better results. This can be something as simple as a 90 day process to help you shift your approach.

What I’m finding is that many people need someone to help them identify a fast track strategy to get more things done in less time and get their people too also perform at a higher level.

I have developed a new Leadership Efficiency Program that is designed to help you get more things done and mobilise your people in a 90 day Format. If you would like to find out more in a free 20-minute consultation, reach out to me at [email protected].