Our soccer team made it into the Semi-finals, which is so exciting. I have played with the same group of players for the past 8 years and this is the goal that we have had from the beginning to become Grand Champions.
I had a busy week out of Sydney and after arriving home around 9.30pm, I was excited to spend some time with the family. Then it happened. As we were talking, my wife let me know that my daughter had her year 12 HSC Chinese Exam and also it was the Open day for Macquarie University the next day. The challenge became who would be able to drive her throughout the day the 90 minutes each way between these two events.
My wife is a dancer and choreographer who had a massive rehearsal that involved over 100 people that she was madly working on getting ready before opening night. This meant she really couldn’t be there. So I had to re-examine my priorities. I really wanted to play in the soccer semi-final, but I knew that this was an important moment in my eldest daughters life and she needed someone there to support her.
After trying to look at multiple creative options the writing was on the wall. I said that I would miss my semi-final match. When I shifted my priorities something inside changed. At first, I was a bit upset, but then I started to look forward to spending this one on one time with her as she starts thinking about where she is going to study for the next 3-4 years of her life.
Sometimes I think we get so busy that we forget what is important and we mix up our order of what is important in the ‘big picture’. This can be at work or it can be at home. Oh, and by the way, my team won the semi-final and I am now playing in the Grand Final tomorrow morning! Funny how things seem to work out the way they’re supposed to.
If you are looking for strategies to help you focus and get more things done so you have time for the important things, pick up a copy of my latest book. Leadership Hacks: Clever shortcuts to boost your impact and results.