I attended a conference this week and one of the presenters was talking about the need for their employees to have a ‘work-life balance’. They spoke about how we need to try to spend as much time at home as at work.
Seriously? What a load of rubbish! This mindset may have worked in the 1980s before we had the internet, mobile phones and 24/7 access to information and work emails. I don’t know anyone that can live that way in the world today.
What we should be doing is focusing on the quality of time, not the quantity. When we are at home on the weekend we should be focusing on our loved ones and family, NOT checking emails and being distracted with work things.
If one of your kids asks you to help look at one of their projects (like my 17 year old daughter her who’s finalising her end of year project) we should stop watching the TV (or Netflix!) and focus on them, even if you are a bit tired from a big week and just want to chill on the couch.
I’ve put together a few ideas that can help you focus on what is important (especially this weekend)
Give Time & Attention to Your Loved Ones
Take a break from your work rhythm and mindset and shower the people that you love with attention. Notice when the dishes are stacked up in the sink and stop your spouse from cleaning them up again and ask them to sit down for a minute and ask them how their day has been. Little gestures like this send a powerful message about how much you care.
Ignore your Devices
Unplug from your work devices and turn off the screens. Grab the kids and play a card game or a board game that gets everyone to interact with each other and have some fun. Every time we do this the kids enjoy it so much that they don’t want to stop. It also lets them know that you can have fun without having your face glued to a phone, iPad or computer screen.
Don’t forget me time
With the ever-increasing pace of work we often sacrifice the time for ourselves which can help us keep the spring in our step. On the weekend, take the time to carve out some time for you. Go for a walk, jump on your bike, or go to the movie that you’ve been wanting to see for the past 2 weeks. The important thing is to take some time for you. This also can allow you to de-stress and release some of the pressure and tension from work, trust me, your family and friends will thank you for it.
As many of you know I will be speaking at the Future of Leadership Series in August & September this year occurring across Australia and New Zealand. You can get a 10% discount by putting in the code FOLSPEAK when you register.
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